Typhoon "Plum Blossom" has been upgraded to a strong typhoon level, and it needs to be paid attention to!All cities and counties in Hainan have achieved zero society in the society

Author:Jiefang Daily Time:2022.09.11

Today's weather

Shencheng has been in the morning in the morning, and the clouds open up, cherish the good sky! Soon the weather is about to turn, and it is affected by high-altitude grooves. From the afternoon of this afternoon to the night, it turns into a decentralized shower. The north to the northeast wind is 3-4, the relative humidity is 85%~ 50%, and the temperature is 23 ~ 30 ° C.

Focus today

Typhoon "Plum Blossom" has been upgraded to a strong typhoon level

Keep paying attention!

The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a typhoon blue warning at 06:00 on September 11:

Typhoon "Plum Blossom" (English name: MUIFA; Source: China Macau; Name: One Flower) is generated on the northwest Pacific Ocean surface at 8 am on September 8th. For the strong typhoon level, at 5 o'clock in the morning, it is located on the northwest Pacific Ocean 440 kilometers southeast of Taipei, Taiwan Province. It is 22.4 degrees north latitude and 124.7 degrees east longitude. The lowest air pressure in the center is 955 hundred Pache, the seventh-level wind ring radius is 260-300 kilometers, the 10-level wind ring radius is 70 kilometers, and the twelve-level wind ring radius is 30 kilometers.

It is expected that "plum blossoms" will move northwest at a rate of 15-20 kilometers per hour, and the intensity will gradually increase, the strongest can reach 45-50 meters/s (level 14-15, strong typhoon level). On the evening of the 12th, the intensity began to weaken slowly, and continued to move northwest. After passing through the Ryukyu Islands, entered the southern sea surface of the East China Sea. It gradually approached the coast of the eastern part of Zhejiang.

According to the current forecast, the "plum blossom" path is west than "Xuanlan Nuo", which may bring strong wind and rain on the coast of East China. Everyone should pay attention to the weather changes in time and pay attention to the latest trends of typhoons.

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WeChat editor: Antong

School pair: wing

- END -

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