Extraordinary ten years 丨 Conghua District Political and Law System: Comprehensively promote the modernization of social governance in the city, and in -depth exploring Ping An Conghua village

Author:Conghua District Rong Media Ce Time:2022.09.25

The ten years since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China are the extremely extraordinary ten years in the development of the party and the country. As an ecological barrier in the northern part of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, the economic and social development of our district has achieved brilliant achievements in the past ten years. To this end, the Conghua District Rong Media Center planned to launch a series of reports of the "End of the New Era of Fake New Expeditions and Ten Years", and welcomed the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Today, let's take a look at the "extraordinary ten years" of Conghua District's political and legal system ~

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Political and Law system of Conghua District has begun to improve the construction of grass -roots social governance systems, further promote the modernization of social governance in the city, and strive to prevent and resolve various risks that affect security and stability, improve the comprehensive mechanism of diversified prevention and resolution of social contradictions. Promoting the construction of the rule of law and peace and peace, it has effectively maintained political security, social stability, and peaceful people. , Effective to build a higher level of happiness and beautiful ecology to escort the city.

Continue to improve the sense of security

Multiple measures to improve safety construction satisfaction

The political and legal system of Conghua District has always adhered to the leadership of the party and government, and promoted the construction of a higher level of peace and consciousness as an important project.

Establish a leading group and special working groups in the Ping An Construction of the Party Committee, implement the responsibility of leading cadres, improve the vertical and horizontal linkage mechanisms at all levels and departments at all levels, government and social interaction mechanisms, mass participation mechanisms, promote full -cycle dynamic governance, comprehensive governance according to law, The wisdom governance of the whole factor has formed a good pattern of problem -shaped governance, work linkage, and safety.

Strengthen the construction of three -dimensional, socialized, specialized, and intelligent social security prevention and control system, weave and woven social security prevention and control networks, and set up 67 groups of "Guangzhou neighborhood · Conghua folk" group defense and co -governance team. 38,000 volunteers.

The smallest emergency unit of the "Guangzhou neighborhood" was built, and the daily report rate was more than 98%. The forward movement to the front line effectively improves the discovery of hidden risks. Since its establishment, it has assisted the public security organs to carry out 48 emergency offices to achieve re -integration, re -organization, and optimization of urban agglomerations for prevention and co -administrative resources.

Taking the construction of the rental house access control system as the means, promote the "building length system" management model, and create a total of 2,1240 sets of "Ping An Running House" to solve the difficulty of the management of the migrant staff, the difficulty of information registration, and the difficulty of the hidden dangers. According to the survey, the sense of security in the region in 2021 reached 94.92%, and the social security sense of the people in the region has further improved in the past ten years; the monitoring results of the "Red Cotton Index" in Guangzhou City Governance in 2022 show that the social security security of Conghua District has continued Get the city first.

Consolidate the results of the fight against evil

Build a normal mechanism for cracking down on illegal crimes

The political and legal system of Conghua District has always adhered to precise policies, and effectively responded to the people's new needs for the safety of peace in the new era.

Strictly prevent major risks affecting political security, in -depth promotion of the system and capacity building of the political security work, and resolutely maintain the security, system security, and ideological security of the state power.

Continue to deepen the five major industries of information networks, natural resources, transportation, engineering construction, and financial lending. Since the special campaign of anti -crime and elimination, a total of 75 criminal organizations involved in black crimes, 7 and 65 gangs in criminal groups. 75 people in corruption and "protective umbrella".

In -depth propaganda and implementation of the "Anti -Organic Crime Law", promoting normalization of anti -crime and eliminating struggle, and achieved obvious staged results.

Effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly in accordance with the law, and create a strong atmosphere of anti -fraud. In -depth promotion of special campaigns to rectify pension fraud, the entire region received a total of 38 clues to the 12337 platform and detecting the clues of pension fraud, killing 7 criminal gangs in pension fraud, 31 cases of raising fraud, and 62 criminal suspects. The funds involved in the case were 25.551 million yuan, and the pursuit of 19.9228 million yuan was chased.

Over the past ten years, focus on social and people's livelihood, accumulate listing and rectification of 68 key areas of public security, and continuously rectify the problems of yellow gambling poison, stolen, food and drug ring, and crowd -involved economic crimes. 4878 in love, a decrease of 64.5%from 13748 in 2012.

Innovate the practice of "Maple Bridge Experience" from Huahua

Multi -party participation in contradictions and dispute disputes

The political and legal system of Conghua District has always adhered to the source of the source, deepened the practice of "Maple Bridge Experience" from Huahua, and focused on improving the diversified regulation mechanism of contradictions and disputes.

In order to solve the problem of the masses' multi -reflection problems after the reform of the "separation of visits", the Conghua District combined with the municipal social governance modernization pilot work, and the town (street) took the opportunity of the physicalization of the comprehensive governance center. , Innovate the "three -person mediation team" mechanism, set up volunteers and "three -person mediation teams" two teams, integrate petitions, courts, judicial and other departments, allocate 48 cadres, implement "visits, complaints, and transfer" matters "One -stop" acceptance, implementing online filing, online mediation, and online judicial confirmation of the "Trinity" full process solution.

Improve the "four -regulating linkage" mechanism of the People's Mediation Commission and the court, the procuratorate, the public security, petitions, and other departments, and form the four teams of village residents, rural prosecutors, community police, and Ping An information officers to go deep into the village. 11 specialty workstations such as social insurance premiums are controversial, and 22 studios of "two representatives and one committee member" and a group of Pan Anna, Zhu Ruiping, Wu Lanxiang and other personal mediation studios have been established. Run a place. " Since 2012, the region has inspected and mediate 32,400 contradictions and disputes, and the mediation success rate has reached more than 98%. Vigorously promote the special governance actions of social contradictions, closely focus on key people's livelihood fields such as labor -involved disputes, real estate involved in real estate, financial finance, and education and training, and carry out in -depth investigation and resolution of grass -roots contradictions and disputes, and properly resolve investment damage groups such as Yunlianhui Huihui and other damaged groups. , Hidden rights such as “neighbor” issues such as “neighbor” issues in social public projects, effectively controlling and resolving labor disputes and property rights disputes caused by various real estate projects and problems caused by various real estate projects and problems, which has effectively guaranteed the smooth and orderly social situation in the region.

Fully consolidate the foundation of grassroots governance

Promote modernization of municipal social governance

The political and legal system of Conghua District has always adhered to the foundation and carried out the foundation of Ping An. The creation of "Ping An Campus", "Ping An Village" and "Ping An Community" promoted solidly, and brightened the background of higher levels of Pinghua.

We will improve the work system and institutional mechanism of party building leading grassroots governance "comprehensive governance center+comprehensive grid+minimum emergency unit+intelligent", and continuously optimize the social governance pattern. In the past ten years, 286 three comprehensive governance centers of districts, towns (streets), and villages have been established. The functional field is equipped with 398 party members and cadres to visit and serve the masses.

In -depth "branch built on a grid" activity, built 865 grid branches and 2897 (Lou Dong) Economic Society Party Group, and comprehensive governance of grids, emergency management, etc. from town (street), village (community) Work, equipped with a specialized grid staff to achieve "people walk in the Internet, do things in the grid", collect about 1.37 million pieces of various types of grids, and the settlement rate is more than 98%.

In the city's first realization of the application of the children's integration system for the children of Lai Sui, the application for the entire process of enrollment is applied for online processing. Other people have no complaints for admission application work for 6 consecutive years.

Establish a minimum emergency unit, conduct unified command of the territory, implement the minimum personnel, and participate in the pre -control and pre -disposal of emergencies.

The "Xueliang Project" has built 16,000 public videos to bring together 16,000 public videos to comprehensively help key areas and social security in important places.

Promote the innovation of governance methods, and the "Hub -increased village -level social workers' stations in the hub to promote coordinated governance to help rural revitalization" project was selected into 2022 national social governance innovation cases. Since 2020, the first line of defense and control of the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia has been made in comprehensive and in -depth community investigation.

Constantly improving the ability to protect the rule of law

Keep the Greater Bay Area Green Growth Extreme

The Political and Law System of Conghua District has always adhered to the region according to law, and 109 creation of the cultural positions of the rule of law in the region has reached standards.

Carry out the cultivation project of "legal understanding people" and "demonstration households of rural learning laws", and in -depth publicity of the socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics focusing on the constitution and civil code.

West Hehe Village West and Village of Chengjiao Street obtained the "National Democratic Law Demonstration Village (Community)" cultivation unit, and successfully passed the field assessment of the Provincial Department of Justice; Nanping Village in Nanping Town, Jiangpu Village, Jiangpu Street, and Tai Ping Town West Lake Village Village (community).

In -depth implementation of the "Regulations on the Construction of Guangzhou City", set up district -level case evaluation expert databases and implement standardized management, formulate detailed rules for law enforcement supervision, and start 5 cases of review cases.

Continue to improve the use of the rule of law thinking, the rule of law to deepen reform, promote development, and continuously strengthen the supervision and assessment of the construction of the rule of law.

Focus on special work such as cracking down on illegal land and illegal mining, illegal harm to students' malignant cases, and deepening the reform of the judicial system.

Based on the functional positioning of the ecological core area of ​​the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, formulate the "Ecological Procuratorate White Paper", focus on protecting more than 100 lake reservoirs in the jurisdiction, 120,000 hectares of green mountains, and focus on building a trinity of "punishment, education, and protection." Model, set up the nation's first ecological procuratorial and public interest litigation research base, severely crack down on criminal crimes involving the rural ecological environment. In the past ten years, a total of 792 cases involved in ecological and environmental resources have been handled, 359 were punished, and 659 criminals were punished. More than 10,000 square meters, more than 2,000 acres of land, more than 6,306 tons of various types of solid waste and hazardous waste, and promoted the establishment of the first public interest proceedings of the Greater Bay Area with an area of ​​6,800 acres.

The "rural micro -prosecution" project implemented by innovation was obtained by the top ten innovative projects in the Guangzhou Municipal Social Governance in 2021.

In the next step, Conghua District will continue to implement the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, continue to prevent and resolve major risks, in -depth promotion of modernization of social governance, and strive to build a higher level of peace and consciousness. Effectively, strive to achieve high -quality development and high -level safety and healthy interaction, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Party with practical actions.

Source: Conghua District Political and Legal Committee

Edit: Huang Limin

Preliminary review: Liu Fang

Review: Wang Ruijun

- END -

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