It's about Binzhou travel issues!Special rectification

Author:Huimin Rong Media Time:2022.09.29

The reporter learned from the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau that in order to implement the relevant deployment requirements of the Central Propaganda Ministry, Culture and Tourism, in accordance with the provincial culture and tourism department, the provincial natural resource planning department, the provincial ecological environment department, and the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, they released the " The notice on printing and issuing the "Special Rectification Work Plan for Steel" and issuing the "Special Remediation of Steels" "requirements, from now until the end of November, the city will carry out special rectification actions of private" attractions "issues. The private "attractions" of this renovation mainly cover seven categories, including unlicensed operations and disturbing the order of the tourism market; without permission, collecting ticket fees without permission; building tourism facilities privately to destroy the ecological environment; There are hidden dangers of tourism; false propaganda, bullying customers, and harming the legitimate rights and interests of tourists; privately changed the use of land and carried out tourism operations; other violations provide tourism services.

The Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau is now collecting clues to the "attractions" of private setting up to the whole society. The clues of the collected problems will be carefully verified and investigated. The case was reported and exposed. The Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau welcomes friends from the general public to actively provide relevant clues, jointly standardize the order of the city's tourism market, and complaints for reporting calls 0543-3162505.


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